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Understanding your customer--who they are, how they think, what they need--is an essential element to any business strategy.  I am adept at unearthing insights that drive smart marketing and product decisions, and assembling strategies that organizations can use to flesh out their digital ecosystem in a way that enhances a customers journey, from awareness through to conversion and from loyalty to advocacy.
Once you've devised your strategy you must bring it to life.  Partnering with media, creative, technology, and product owners I ensure each customer touchpoint provides that value they desire at that moment.  Whether through powerful and targeted messaging, thoughtful interface design, innovative adtech and martech tools or immersive experiences, I can help you acquire, engage, retain, and delight your best customers.
A great vision is worthless unless you can execute against it.  Taking a pragmatic approach that accomodates the realities of the business cycle, the resources available, and the challenges inherent in any organization I devise actionable roadmaps that balance short-term success with long-term growth. Furthermore, I work collaboratively with accountable teams and stakeholders to make sure objectives are met on time, on budget, and with the highest quality.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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